8/9/2023 2:30:17 PM Pickle Packer Trade Secret Lawsuit Illustrates Importance of Trade Secret Protections By Taylor English A recent case filed by Grillo's Pickles provides an excellent example of the importance of manufacturers taking concrete steps to protect...
7/31/2023 1:12:56 PM Focus On Skills To Retain Talent By Joe English Perhaps, as some say, we have come through the other side of the "great reshuffling." Alternatively, it may be true that employees are...
6/15/2023 5:45:28 PM Employers Get Ready: The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Becomes Effective on June 27, 2023 By Gail Holtzman Employers should be ready by June 27, 2023, to comply with the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (“PWFA”), signed into law by President Biden...