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Reposted from Taylor English Insights

EU Edges Closer to AI Regulations

The regulators in the EU met in late October for a continuing discussion about how to deal with AI. They will convene again in early December to continue talks. According to Euractiv news: “At the heart of the law is a stricter regime for AI systems that pose a significant risk to people’s health, safety and fundamental rights, which must comply with tight requirements regarding risk management and data governance.” The ongoing meetings are to fine-tune how to classify AI operators, define high- and low-risk models and provide examples, and allow for any necessary exemptions from the law.  

Why It Matters
As it did with privacy, the EU is leading the globe in tackling new technological issues through regulation. The US has not coalesced around any draft legislation that would bring a national framework to AI regulation, although some states have passed limited AI laws governing discrete usage issues (e.g., AI in campaign ads). We are seeing lawsuits and boardroom disputes in the US as AI continues to grow in commercial importance, however, and those actions may start to set de facto standards for AI use in the business realm.  


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